We made use of the full breadth of our design, development
and planning expertise to secure Wilde by Staycity anaparthotel operator, on a 30 year lease, whilst simultaneously securing planning permission at this strategically located site on the City Fringe.
Using an original office planning permission as a crucial
benchmark in terms of the appropriate scale and volume
of development, we recognised the opportunity to optimise the building design to reduce floor-to-ceiling heights to an appropriate level for a serviced apartment or hotel rather than office use.
Planning permission was secured in June 2019 and within six months of the application being submitted. This outcome
was predicated on good existing working relationships that had been built up with officers at London Borough of Tower
Hamlets and the GLA as well as being able to put forward robust, evidence backed planning arguments which went
unchallenged during the determination process.
156 Rooms, Lounge, Gym, Cafe,